Stack: vim, Zola, tufte.css, rsync
The initial blog stack for And Another Player Yet To Be Named
consists of these pieces:
- A text editor. vi is what I reach for. On Debian Linux, it's actually vim: vi --help
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2 (2019 Dec 12, compiled Oct 01 2021 01:51:08)
- The Zola static site generator. Rustlang source, pages in Markdown with front matter, specifically CommonMark.
- Why Markdown with Front Matter? Because it's interoperable with MASVF Wiki,, and otherwise favors a Power of Plain Text approach that plays well with my background. wikipedia: Plain text#Usage, specifically easy migration, extraction, reusability.
- Tufte.css without the et-book font. See github: tufte-css. A nod to Edward Tufte's information-focused visual communication work. You could try dark mode. I haven't.
- rsync . See
man rsync
at your local command line, or wikipedia: rsync. You may also want to consult ssh-keygen
- A static host. I've used Hurricane Electric for quite a while. They're forward-looking with IPV6; for basic hosting, I'm satisfied that is not in a hurry to leave the late 1990s.
I owe the templates some revision so that the front page isn't just "click here
to see my posts", and the navigation is more than "Home", but Zola's quickstart
gets a blog up and present with little fuss, since I didn't want to get myself
stuck in choosing a style.