Item | Description | Details |
wumpus.svg | Hunt the Wumpus | Clickable game using SVG+JavaScript. Wander the twenty vertices of a dodecahedron, hunting the dangerous Wumpus, avoiding bottomless pits and super bats. Click on an adjacent room to move; click on an arrow, then a room to shoot into the next room. Based on the early text-based game. Limitation: arrows only go one room, rather than up to 5 as in the original. |
Grid Size 3 Grid Size 4 Grid Size 5 | Clickable Colored Hex Grids | Clickable toy, mostly an exercise in hex grids, neighbors, and random colors, using SVG+JavaScript. I've been reading Amit Patel's hex grid guide on RedBlobGames, but these grids use more of a typical wargame coordinate system than the one he recommends. |
Pixie Demo#1 Pixie Demo#2 Pixie mock-up | Weatherpixie Exercises | Inspired by Tamsin Bowles' Weatherpixie site which used airport weather data to generate representative images showing day/night, weather, and a clothed doll/cartoon, this a start at using the paper-doll ability of SVG to compose similar images. The "demo" SVGs are clickable via the selector circles at the bottom to show the paper-doll effect and represent a range of time-of-day and temperature. The mock-up shows a sample reproduction using SVG of a Weatherpixie-style image result. |
Planet Cute Animation | Animated SVG | Inspired by Dan Cook's Planet Cute image pack, offered for shared use for game development. |
Radar screen with sweep hand animation | Experiment with gradients, clipping paths, animation. |